Available in office for pain management as an adjunct to your chiropractic care. Acupuncture uses traditional meridian theory.
Dry Needling
Acupuncture needles are used locally to reduce pain and inflammation.
EMS or Muscle Stim
Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is used for many different things. It can be used to relax muscles, dull pain, promote healing and even prevent irreversible atrophy. This is accomplished using a machine that emits very tiny electrical waves that gently penetrate the skin to the muscles resulting in a gentle buzzing sensation while it relaxes muscles and promotes healing. We also often add EMS to acupuncture treatments.
Cold Laser Therapy
Cold Laser is a newer technology that is being used more and more in the medical community. Dermatological cold lasers are used to tighten skin and diminish scars. We use that same technology to improve healing of scar tissue which can cause chronic pain and discomfort. Cold laser can also be used to relax muscles, decrease inflammation, and promote healing.
We have experienced fantastic results with the cold laser and low back disc inflammation, muscle spasm, chronic pain, and osteoarthritis.
Kinesio Taping
Kinesio Taping, worn by many professional athletes, is great for supporting injuries, retraining balance, improving healing, and even reduce swelling. Kinesio taping is most often used for athletic injuries, but it can also be used in children for umbilical hernias and making postural changes or in adults to support painful and arthritic knees.
Therapeutic Stretches and Exercises
Dr. Jayme is a proponent of active care – “active” meaning the care her patients do on their own, outside of their passive chiropractic care. This often consists of stretches and exercises which further promote healing and wellness. Home care instructions may be as simple as taking a walk today to keep the spine and hips moving or specific exercises for muscle strengthening or balance retraining.